Adult Vision Screening Recertification

The Prevent Blindness vision screening certification program requires that vision screeners trained and certified by Prevent Blindness/Prevent Blindness Ohio must re-certify after a period of three years from the date of their initial training and certification.

Please read the following guidelines to determine whether you are eligible to take the online vision screening recertification exam.

1. No Screenings Performed

If you have not performed any vision screenings since being trained, you must participate in an Adult Vision Screening training class. For more information about vision screening training call 1-800-301-2020 or email [email protected] with your request.


2. Satisfactory Screening Level Completed

A satisfactory screening level is defined as a minimum of:

  • 3 vision screenings, and/or
  • 100 adults screened during the three years that the individual has been certified, and
  • 33 of the 100 adults, screened in the last year of the certification period were referred for professional eye care.

If you meet these requirements, you will be re-certified after successfully completing the True/False Certification Test. This test can be completed online or printed out and mailed to Prevent Blindness Ohio.

In addition to taking the True/False Certification Test, recertification requires compliance with screening procedures and guidelines. Referral rates for past screenings must also be within an acceptable range for the population that is being screened.

Take the Adult Vision Screening True/False Recertification Test.

The tests will be e-mailed or mailed to Prevent Blindness Ohio for scoring. Successful completion of the test and satisfactory referral rate will result in your receipt of a new certification card.

3.  Satisfactory Screening Level Requirements Not Met

If you do not meet the requirements of a satisfactory screening level as defined in section 2 above, you will be re-certified after successfully completing the  Recertification Test. This test can be completed online or printed out and mailed to Prevent Blindness Ohio.

Take the Adult Vision Screening Recertification Test