Adult Vision Screening

DID YOU KNOW… Ohio’s senior adult population is expanding at a rapid rate as the Baby Boomer population ages, and with this expansion comes a significant number of vision problems and age related eye diseases. Today there are 1,259,000 older Ohioans affected by vision problems that if not detected and treated early, could lead to vision loss. Because of the growth in the aging population, there will be more than 2.5 million Ohioans affected by vision-robbing conditions by the Year 2030 unless something is done to increase early detection and treatment!  Adding adult vision screening as a service provided by your organization, health clinic, or agency can help us in our mission of early identification of vision problems and eye health education.

The Adult Vision Screening Training Program Includes:

  • Instructions on how to conduct an adult vision risk assessment;
  • Instruction on how to perform near and distance visual acuity screenings;
  • Detailed information on “aging eye” diseases and disorders;
  • Information on how to set up a screening area;
  • Assistance in setting up your follow up care program for referrals;
  • Educational resources and access to vision screening charts.

Upon successful completion of the training, participants will be nationally certified to provide vision screenings for three years.  For additional information on Adult Vision Screening Training, please call Prevent Blindness Ohio at 1-800-301-2020 or email PBO at [email protected].

Click here for location, schedule, and registration information for April 2025 – June 2025 trainings

Maintaining your Adult Vision Screening Certification

Prevent Blindness America’s vision screening certification program requires that vision screeners trained and certified by Prevent Blindness America/Prevent Blindness, Ohio Affiliate must re-certify after a period of three years from the date of their initial training and certification.  The staff of Prevent Blindness, Ohio Affiliate will provide you with a notification that it is time to recertify via the email/address provided at the time of certification.

Please continue on to the Adult Vision Screening Recertification Page to to take the online vision screening recertification exam (based on eligibility) or to find out more about the recertification process.